Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog 11

My main goal for today was to focus on researching more on my claim. I want to strengthen my opinions with facts and I want to really get into this. I want to search as many sites and documents as I can. I took the library time to do just that! I looked into the different websites to back my claim up with religion and psychology. I emailed links to myself on my email and I’ll continue to read and find more information tonight and further during the week. For the next class I should be able to have my claim and have enough facts to convince myself that this is the side I want to stand by and argue about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fernando, I am Luke (the one who posted the question on the community blog). Thank you for the suggestions on the question Dr. Smith had the class answer. Just a little background for my class you should know is that we are not in a computer lab, so students do all their blogging on their own time, so that changes things also.

    Anyway, I am curious about the topic you are working on--religion and psychology you said? Tell me more when you have some time. I like both these subjects.
